Book Categories
YOGA AND STRESS MANAGEMENT Dr. Bimla Pawar, Dr. Nupur Gosain & Dr. Sunita Sharma
595 595
Anatomy and exercise physiology Dr. Balbinder Singh
Sports and management and curriculum design in physical education Dr. Sakti Ranjan Mishra, Dr. Badshah Ghosh
995 995
Obesity Managment S.K Chakravortty
Sports management and curriculum Design in Physical Education Dr. Harish S. Kale
sports for all Dr. Rakesh Gupta , Binu Gupta
An introduction to gender studies in physical education and sports S.R . Mishra , B. Ghosh , S.K . Dash
795 795
Health and yoga Dr. Ashok Kumar Malik
Fundamental of sports Managment Dr. Suman Bala
Foundation And history of physical education Dr. Balbinder singh
Fitness and Exercise management Dr. Prdeep kumar sharma .Dr. shweta suri
Administration of physical education C.C FORSYTHE , R.O DUNCAN
1295 1295
Development and games Recreational activity Dr. S. Dheer , R.S Saini
895 895
Foundation of physical education Reet Howell, Maxwell Howell , A.K Uppal
Foundation of Physical Education. Dr. Vivek Chaudhary
History, Principal and Foundation of Physical Education MANDEEP SINGH
695 695
Introduction to Olympic Movement Dr. MANDEEP SINGH Nathial
Kinesiology and Biomechanics A.K Uppal , Jogiswar Goswami
Methods in Physical Education Dr, M.K KAMLESH
Officiating and Coaching In Physical Education Dr. Anil K. Vanaik
Psychology in Sports Prof. Gurbakhsh S. Sandhu
Recreational Games and Leisure Activities Dr. Naresh Kumar
1995 1995
Research Methodology and Applied Statistics Physical Education Dr. Sakeer Hussain V.P , Mr. Muhammad Najeeb K. , Mr. Baby Shijansha K.P
Sports Injuries and Its Rehabilitation. Dr. N. Govindarajulu
Sports Medicine Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Parmod kumar
शारीरिक शिक्षा में परिक्षण, मापन और मूल्यांकन Dr. Sanjay Sharma
Sports Psychology and Sociology MANDEEP SINGH
Volleyball : The Complete Guide to The Game of Volleyball Dr. P.P Ranganathan
495 495
Yoga and Recreation Vinay Bhatia
Yoga Education Dr. Mandeep Singh Nathial
Exercise Physiology and Nutrition Prof. G.L. Khanna , Michael Kalis
1695 1695
The Science of Human Movement Prof. G.L Khanna , Oleksandar Krasilshcikov
Sports Psychology and Training Prof. G.L Khanna, Dr. M.L Kamlesh
Professional Preparation in Health, Physical Education And Recreation H.A.SCOTT , R.A. SNYDER
Textbook on Teaching Skill and Powers ( 2 Volume set) Reet Howell, Maxwell Howell , A.K Uppal
Research Process in Physical Education Prof. A . Yobu
Organisation and Administration of Physical Education and Sports Dr. R . Subramanian , Dr. S. Thirumalai Kumar , Dr. C. Arumugam
Resource Management in Physical Education Dr. N . Govindarajulu
Organisation and Administration of Physical Education Dr. S. Dheer , Radhika Kamal
Trends and Practice in Physical education in India Dr. Ajmer Singh , Dr. S.R. Gangopadhyay
395 395
Introduction to Health Education Dr. S. Dheer , Radhika Kamal , Dr. Mitra Basu
Anthropometry: The Measurement Body Size, Shape , and , Form Prof. S. Nath
Physical Education Today and Tomorrow Dr. S. R. Gangopadhyay
Handbook of Physical Education Prof. D. G. Wakharkar
Health Education for School Children Dr. P. K. Pande , Dr. S. R. Gangopadhyay
Women's Performance and Sports Dr. Kalpana Debnath
Sports Excellence A Psychological Pursuit GURABAKHSH S. SANDHU , N.S. MANN
Research process and Studies in Physical Education and Sports Science Dr. Rakesh Gupta , Dr. Manmohan Singh Bedi
Scientific Basis Of Physical Education And Sports . Dr. D.K Tandon, Dr. A.K Uppal , Dr. P.M Aleggonkar, Dr. Kawaljeet singh
450 450
Encyclopaedia Of Sports Injuries ANIL KUMAR, A.K GUPTA
Teaching Children Physical Education (Elementary School Curriculum) Dr. Sita Ram Sharma
Physical Fitness and Wellness A.K Uppal
Kinesiology in Physical Education and Exercise Science Dr. A.K Uppal , Dr. V. Lawrence Gray Kumar , Mamta Manjari Panda
Principles Of Sports Training Dr. A.K UPPAL
Sociological Foundations In Physical Education And Sports Dr. Sita Ram Sharma
Psychological Implications In Physical Education and Sports Dr. Bhupinder Singh , Mrs. Madalsa Mittal
Principles Of Teaching Physical Education Dr. Sita Ram Sharma , Dr. Anil Kr. Vanaik
Principles of Health Education Dr. Sita Ram Sharma
Research Methodology In Physical Education Dr. S. R. Sharma
Biomechanics : In Physical Education and Exercise Science Dr. A.K Uppal , Dr. V. Lawrence Gray Kumar , Mamta Manjari Panda
Sports And Entertainment Journalism Dr. Sita Ram Sharma
Encyclopaedia Of World History In Physical Education And Sports (5 Volume) Dr. Rakesh Gupta , Dr. R.C. Kapil , Dr. K.K. Debnath
2995 2995
Scientific Principles of Coaching in Physical Education and Sports . Dr. P. Channappa Reddy
Philosophical Foundations Of Physical Education Dr. R.K.S Dagar , Dr. Shiv Kumar Chauhan
Introduction To Physical Education Prof. Dilip Kumar Dureha , Dr. Anil Kumar Vanaik
Managements of Health Education Programme ( 2 PARTS) Prof. A.M. Moorthy
Reading in Physical Education Anil kumar , R.C Gupta
Scientific Principles of Biomechanics Dr. P. Chinnappa Reddy
Learning Calisthenics In Physical Education Dr. S.R. Sharma , Dr. Rakesh Gupta , Dr. Akhilesh Sharma
Adapted Physical Education Dr. Sita Ram Sharma
Recreation And Physical Education Dr. Sita Ram Sharma
Physical Education And Sports : A Contemporary Introduction J.P. Sharma
Health and Hygiene in School S.R. Sharma
Historical development in physical education Dr. N. Govindarajulu
An Introduction to Kinanthropometry Dr. Shyamal koley , Dr. Jaspal Singh Sandhu
Evaluation in Physical Education Dr. M. VIJAYALAKSHMI
Fitness for Kids Dr. Pinto Modak
Anatomy and Physiology for Physical education Dr. S. Sivaramakrishnan
New Horizons in Kinanthropometry Dr. Shyamal koley
Research Methods in Physical Education Dr. S. Sivaramakrishnan
295 295
Physiology of Sports Dr. S. Sivaramakrishnan
Techniques of Supervision in Physical Education Dr. Akhilesh Sharma , Dr. Rakesh Gupta, Dr. H.R. Lunge
Modern Trends in Teaching Physical Education Gurpreet Singh
Educational Sports Psychology M.L. Kamlesh
Exercise Physiology : A Basis Approach Dr. Shyamal Koley
Manual of Physical Education and Sports Science Dr. Th. Nandalal Singh
Historical Development of Track and Field Dr. Pardeep Kumar
The Complete Manual Of Sports Science Wilf Paish
Educational Research Methods and Applied Statistics in physical Education Dr. Paramjit Singh , Ms. Babita Kherwa
Sports Biomechanics Prof. A. Yobu
Sports Medicine For Parents and Coaches DANIEL J. BOYLE, M.D
The Sociology of Sports and Physical Education Robert '' Bob'' Chappell
Learning and teaching in Physical Education Richard Bailey
Fundamental of Sports and Exercise Science Dr. Amitabh Dube , Dr, Ashok Gupta , Dr. Shubha Dube , Prof. Bhupendra Singh Rathore , Dr. Munish Agithotri , Dr Mukesh Sharma
Science Of Sports Training A.K Uppal
Principles And History of Physical Education. Dr, M.L Kamlesh , Dr. M.S. Sangral
Psychology of Sports and Health Shiv Kumar Chauhan
The Sociology of Sports and Physical Activity R.B Chappell
Physical Education in the Primary School Dr. S.R. Sharma
Handbook of Health Education S.R. Sharma
Administration and Management of Physical Education and Sports Y.S.Reddy
Introduction to Body Dynamics Dr, A. Mahaboobjan
Research Method in Health and Physical Education Kalpana Sharma
Mental Health and Hygiene L.D. CROW , ALICE CROW
Fundamental of Body Mechanics and Conditioning Mabel Lee , Miriam M. Wager
Health Education Principles and Applications Rajiv Vyas
Global Trends in Physical Education and Sports Dr. Bhupinder Singh Ghuman , Dr. Satpal Kaur Kalsi
Fundamentals of Physical Education Dr. Baljeet Girdhar , Dr, Mahesh Kumar , Dr. Sushil Lega
Guide to Nutrition Education Dr. Mahesh Kumar , Dr. S.S. Jaswal , Dr. Kishore Kumar
Reference Guide to Physical Education Dr. D. Rajlakshmi
1495 1495
Interpretation of physical Education ABHAY BUCHHA
Guide To Health Dr. Gopal Krishna
Conduct And Applications Of Physical Activities Dr. Gopal Krishna
Research Methods in Health , Physical education and sports Dr. R. Subramanian , Dr. S. Thirumalai , Dr. C. Arunugam
Sports Management : Theory and Practice Dr. Rajesh Kumar Dhaka
Basic Principle of Physical Education Dr. Vivek Chaudhary
Computer Application in Physical education Dr. M. JAYACHITRA
Physical education : An Introduction H.E. Naylor
Textbook of Physical Education Dr, Balbinder Singh
Physical Health and life Skills Education Balbinder Singh
Quest For Physical Education Dr. Gopal Krishna
System of Sports Training Dr. P.J Sebastian , Dr. (Mrs.) Amirtham Sebastian , Dr. K.P Manilal , Dr. V.C Saju . Joseph
Critical Thinking for Sports : An Exploration of Theory and Practices D.C SMITH
Scientific Basis of Sports Conditioning A.K Uppal
Sports Studies : An Introduction HENNERY ALLAN LIPMAN
Sport and Exercise Science - A Scientific Approach Robert Burton
Physical Activity , Health and Wellness Balbinder Singh
Organization and Administration of Physical education J.F. WILLIAMS
EMERGING TRENDS IN SPORTS PSYCHOLOGY Dr. Bhupinder Singh Ghuman , Dr. Satpal Kaur Kalsi
Management of Physical Education and Sports Dr . Meenakshi Ramachandra Mooliya
Physical and Motor Fitness of Indian Youth Prof. Rajender Singh
Research Methods in Sport - A Scientific Approach Keith Allan Brown
Sports and Physical Education in the Middle Ages Earle F Zeigler
DYNAMICS OF SPORTS PSYCHOLOGY Dr. Bhupinder Singh Ghuman , Dr. Onkar Singh
An Introduction to Sport and Physical Education Philosophy. Earle F Zeigler
The Science of Athletics F.A.M Webster
Comprehensive Study Of Physical Education - (2-VOLUME) SHABU SHAH
Applied Ethics for Sports and Physical Activity Professionals Earle F Zeigler
Methods of Preventive of Corrective Physical Education Dr. Sushma Ghildyal
Encyclopaedia of Anatomy and Exercise Physiology Sushma Ghildyal
Physical Activities for Fitness and Wellness Dr . K.M. Valsaraj
Sports Officiating and Coaching: A Practical Handbook Vipin Sehrawat , Dr. Balbinder Singh
History and Status of Physical Education and Educational Sports Earle F Zeigler
The Managerial Environment of Physical Activity Education and Educational sports Earle F Zeigler
Professional And Scholarly Foundations Of Physical Education And Kinesiology Earle F Zeigler
Equality Excellence and Ethics in Sports Dr. N. Govindarajulu
Fundamentals of Health Education N . GOVINDRAJULU
Nutrition and health- A Scientific Approach L.A Bacharach
Text, Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education and Sports David Charles Smith
Performance Assessment in Physical Education Dr. T.K. Murthy
Physical Education : Conduct and Application Dr. M. VIJAYALAKSHMI
International Perspective of Physical education Dr. Abhey Buchha , Prof, Dabir R. Qureshi
Guide to Safety Education Dr. K.M Valsaraj
Exercise in Physical Education and Sports Dr. Gopal Krishna
Nutrition for Sports and Health Dr. Kishore Kumar , Dr. Baljeet Girdhar . Dr, Mahesh Kumar
Mental Development and School Health Program L.D. CROW , ALICE CROW
Principles and Practices of Physical Education in the Modern World Dr. K. M. Valsaraj
Introduction to Sports Medicine and Biomechanics Dr. D. SHUNMUGANATHAN
Physical Education Games and Athletics Dr. Gobind Singh
Didactic Sports Management and Sports Pharmacology Dr. D. SHUNMUGANATHAN
Health Strength and Power D.A Sargent
Principles and Methods of Physical Education and Health W.P Welpton
1395 1395
Dimension of Physical Education D.A. Sargent
Media and Sports Journalism Dr. Manoj Kumar Rathi
An Introduction to Sports Training D. Walter Camp
History of Physical Education Prof. F.E. Leonard
Mechanical Analysis Of Motor Skills Development ABHAY BUCHHA , DABIR R. QURESHI
Athletics for Physical Culture Thro. C. Knauff
Aerobics Fitness & Style Dr. MUKESH AGRAWAL , Dr. SUNITA ARORA , Dr. NEEVA SINGH
A To Z Encyclopaedia Dictionary Of Physical Education And Sports Science Dr. Th. Nandalal Singh
Curriculum Design in Physical Education and Sports Dr. Jose James
A To Z Athletics A.K Uppal , Vivekananda Day
HEALTH EDUCATION Rajinder Singh Sekhon
Scientific Principle of Coaching John Bunn
900 900
Anatomy of Exercise Pat Manocchia
Rifle Shooting Training and Techniques Amit Kumar Yadav , Ramesh Kumar
Fundamentals of Men's Gymnastics Gurdial Singh Bawa
Guidance Through Physical Education Dr. D.L Salle
The Principle of Physical Education J.F. WILLIAMS
The Gym Management Dr. Sarita Tyagi
Class Management in Physical Education Dr. Harmanpreet Kaur
Sports in Contemporary Society Dr. Surinder Kumar Sharma
Modern Administration of Physical Education Dr. Surinder Kumar Sharma
Sports Policy Of India Dr. S.R. Sharma , Dr .G.P. Gautam
Fundamental Elements of Physical Education Dr. Balbinder singh
Sports Marketing Daniel j Morgan
Comprehensive Soccer Birumal
Sports And Environment Sudhanshu Shekhar Roy
Sports Sociology Kanwaljeet Singh , Inderjit Singh
Modern Principles Of Athletic Training V. Lawrence Gray Kumar , Mamata Manjari Panda
Textbook in Kinesiology M.G SCOTT
Sports Grounds and Building F.A.M Webster
The Complete Guide to Soccer fitness and injuries Prevention DONALD T. KIRKENDALL
A TO Z SOCCER Dr , Biru Mal , Dr , B .C Kapri
Encyclopaedia of Recreational Games Dr. SitaRam Sharma , Dr. Anil Kr. Vanaik , Dr. Daljinder Singh Kalhon
Psychology Of Coaching Agyajit Singh
Sports Administration Dr. Bhupinder Singh Rathor
Teaching Athletics Dr . O.P Gahlawat
Comprehensive Badminton Dr. M.K Singh
Football : Basic for the youth Dr. Biru Mal
Sports Coaching Cernie Desouza
Comprehensive Hockey Gurpreet Kaur , Amandeep Kaur
Sports Management . S.M Nandu
Sociology Of Sports Prof. A . Yobu
Media Relations in Sports T. Shekhar
Handbook of Sports Nutrition Dr. Priti Rishi Lal
Economics of Sports David Fincher
Sports Finance Steven Brown
Ethic in Sports Management Steven Brown
Handbook of Athletics Vinay Malhotra
Soccer : A Comprehensive Scientific Approach Prof. Vivek Pandey , Dr. Krishna Kant Sahu
Burnout Among Indian Coaches Dr. Kulwinder Singh Sandhu , Dr. Raj Kumar Sharma , Dr. Agyajit Singh
Book Of Games E.N Hebbert
Games And Recreational Leadership Part 1 & 2 Charles F. Smith
Sports Journalism Dr. N. Govindarajulu
Management Of Sports Dr. Abhay Buchha
Sports Nutrition Dr. Arvind Malik
Recreation Dr Surinder Kumar Sharma
Coaching and Care of Athletes F.A.M Webster
Handbook for Sports Research Dr. MANMOHAN SINGH BEDI , Dr. RITA JAIN
Sports Management. Dr. Goraksha Vitthalrao Pargaonkar
History, Principles and Foundation of Physical Education Dr. MANDEEP SINGH Nathial
SPORTS PSYCHOLOGY. Dr. Goraksha Vitthalrao Pargaonkar
Human Anatomy and Physiology D.A MYSHNE
Anatomy and Physiology : Textbook for Physical Education Dr. Jitender Kumar
Learn To Play Badminton W. Geetarani Devi , Nirose Kumar Rana
Learn to play Athletics INDU BHUSHAN , R.P JOSHI
Learn To Play Archery Charan Singh
Assessment and Management of Obesity Dr. Pawan Kumar
Applied Statistic in Physical Education and sports Dr . M.R Dhinu
Learn to Play Baseball Anup Kumar, Kunwarjeet Singh Sehgal
Learn to Play Basketball Charan Singh
BASIC FITNESS AND ASSESSMENT Dr. R. Saravana Prabha . Mrs. S. Archana Mani Malathi
BALANCED EDUCATION Dr. Rajwant Singh , Dr. Inderpreet Kaur Nanda
Learn To Play Handball Dr, Jayarajan David D. Ajay Kumar Chaudhary
Handbook of Physical Education . Prof. D.G Wakharkar
Learn to Play Golf Sanchit Khullar
Handball Step to Success Dr. P. Gopinathan
Philosophical Development of Physical Education Dr. R.K.S Dagar
Introduction Physical Education Fitness and Sports Manish Charak
Learn To Play Kabaddi And Kho-Kho Dr. Kavita , Sunil Dutt Sharma
Learn To Play Judo Priyadarshan Tripathi , Vinod Kumar Rawat
Media and Careers in Physical Education Dr. Sunil Koak , Rekha Sharma
Methods of Training in Sports Dr. Suman
Measurement and Evaluation Dr. Munesh Chakravortty , S.K Chakravortty
Learn to play Netball Sanjeev Sharma , Rita Sharma
Organisation and Administration of Physical Education . Dr. Ishwar Singh , Dr. Kuldeep Nara , Dr. Rajesh
Organisation Administration and Methods in Physical Education Dr. I. Karikalan
Olympic Movement Dr. P. Gopinathan
Motor Fitness, Self-Concepts and Motivation in Sports Dr. Navish Kumar
Performance Measurement System Dr. Vinod Kumar Yadav
Physical Fitness and Wellness. Aniket Ambekar
Playing Field Measurement Manual Dr. Jitender Kumar
Physical Activity and Health Dr. Inder Singh Pal
Physical Fitness and Yoga Prof , Monika Verma , Dr. Charan Singh Sekhon
Principles and Foundation of Physical Education Dr. Inder Singh Pal
195 195
Physiology of Exercise . Dr. Tarsem Singh
Planning for Ultimate Sports Performance Dr. K.P Manilal
Posture, Athletic Care and First Aid Dr. A.K UPPAL , Dr. Namita Saini , Dr. Saryu Ruhela
Physical Education , Health Education and Recreation John H. Jenny
Personal Health And Hygiene Dr. Balbinder singh
Research and Statistics in Physical Education Dr. I. Karikalan
Socio-Psychological Foundation of Physical Education Prof. Monika Verma , Dr. Surjeet Neema
Learn to Play Softball Vijay Gaur, Harsimrat Singh
Learn to Play Shooting Amit Kumar Yadav
Scientific Aspects of Physical Education and Sports Science Prof. (Mrs.) Vasanthi Kadhiravan
Sports Industry and Marketing Gaurav Goel , Dr. Amita Handa
Sports Administration and Management Dr. Surender Singh , Dr . Vikram Singh
Science of Circuit Training Dr. P.J Sebastian , Dr. M. Srinivasan
Sports Journalism . Dr. Rajender Lal
Learn to Play Swimming Sunil Chaudhary
Learn to Play Table Tennis Amita Handa
Learn to Play Tennis Rajesh Behl
Textbook of Olympic Movement Dr. I. Karikalan , Dr. G. Murugan
Textbook of Sports Psycho-Physiology Dr. Namita Saini , Dr. Manjula Suri
Test Cricketers of India Kishin R. Wadhwaney , Ravi Kant Srivastava
Learn to Play : Wrestling Virender Singh
Learn to Weightlifting Dr. Parmod Sethi
Theory of Sports And Games Sanjay Rathee
Learn to play : Volleyball Dr. P.P Ranganathan , Kuljit Singh
Training Strategies For Performance Enhancement , Prof. G.L Khanna, Dr. Ming Kai Chin
Learn to Play : Boxing Lalit Mohan Yadav , Sushma
Community Games and Recreational Activities Dr. S.S JASWAL , Dr. SUSHIL LEGA , Dr. BALJEET GIRDHAR
A to Z Cricket Dr. Ashok Kumar Singh
A to Z Tennis Rajesh Behl
Comprehensive Wrestling Balbir Singh Gill
Cricket Quiz Ashok Singh
Volleyball Quiz Rajesh Behl
95 95
Basketball Quiz Vijay Kumar Singh
Tennis Quiz Rajesh Behl
Athletics Quiz Vinay Kumar Malthotra
Handball Quiz Rajesh Behl
Soccer Quiz Birumal
Hockey Quiz Gurdeep Singh
Understanding Athletics Dr. Shaikh Afsar Rashid , Dr. S.K Md . Ataulla M.K
Understanding Basketball Dr. Mandeep Thour
Shaareerik Shamata Aur Yog प्रो. मोनिका वर्मा , डॉ. चरण सिंह शोखो
SHARIRIK GATIVIDHI AUR SWASTHA डॉ. रविंद्र पाल अहलावत , संदीप ढुल
Sports Training Principles Dr. Arumugam . C
Anatomy and Physiology for Physical Education. Dr V. Muruguvalavan
Psychological Foundation of Sports Dr Agyajit Singh
Psychological Skills Training in Sports Dr. Agyajit Singh
Sharirik Shiksha Mein Sangation Va Prashahan डॉ. ईशवर सिंह , डॉ. कुलदीप नारा , डॉ. राजेश
योग एवं तनाव प्रबंद Dr. Gursharan Kaur, Dr. Inderpreet Kaur Nanda, Smt. charanjeet kaur
शारीरिक शिक्षा व खेल विज्ञान में अनुसंधान की प्रक्रिया Dr. Shamsher Rathor
Educational Technology and Methods of Teaching in Physical Education Dr . Mandeep Singh Nathial
Advanced Study of Women Gymnastics Dr. Kalpana Debnath, Dr Gurdial Singh Bawa
Research Methodology and Statistics Dr. P. Chinnappa Reddy
Wellness and Fitness Dr. A.K UPPAL , Dr. Arti Dhankhar
Psychology Of Sports - The Indian Perspective J. Mohan , N.K Chadha , Sultan Akhtar
Recent Advances in Sports Psychology Jitendra Mohan
Readings In Sports Psychology Prof. Jitender Mohan , Dr. Meena Seghal
550 550
Stress and General Depression Dr. Ishwar Singh
Key Idea in Sports Psychology Dr. M.L Kamlesh
765 765
Psycho-Social Aspects Of Sports Dr. Bhupinder Singh
Sports Psychology .. Jaspal Singh
Introduction to Sports Psychology Dr . Gurpreet Singh , Dr. Sukhdev Singh
Sports Psychology : A Study of Indian Sportsmen Dr. Agyajit Singh
Education And Sports Psychology Dr. RAJESH KUMAR , PREM SINGH MEENA
Sports Psychology A Student Handbook Prof. Pratap Singh Tiwari , Sri Ningappa Kannur , Dr. Melkunde Shashidhar
Commonwealth Games and Sports Tourism Dr. Manoj Kumar Rathi
Kinesiology : The mechanism of muscular movement W.P Brown
Health Education, Anatomy and Physiology Dr . A.K Uppal , Dr. Vivek Chaudhary
A Textbook on Physical Education & Health Education Fitness, Wellness and Nutrition Dr. A.K. Uppal , Dr. P.P. Ranganathan
SHARIRIK SHIKSHA EVEM SWASTHA B.A-1 (SEMESTER 1 & 2) डॉ। अरविंद मलिक, प्रो. मोनिका वर्मा, डॉ. सुरेंद्र मलिक
Contemporary Issues In Physical Education , Fitness and Willness Dr. Thingnam Nandalal Singh
Research Methods of Sports Science Abu Sufiyan Zilli , Narender K. Chadha
Scientific Apparatus In Physical Education And Exercise Science Dr. K.K Verma , Dr. Shashi Prabha Verma
Saririk Shisha Mein Nirnayan Evem Adhishisha डॉ. अनिल कुमार विनायक , डॉ. बी. सी. कापरी
Saririk Shisha Ke Mano Itihasik Adar डा. आर. के. एस. डगर , डा. शिव कुमार चौहान
Sharirik shiksha me Khel Chiktra डॉ. विजय सिंह
Women'S Gymnastics Samiran Chakraborty
Advanced Computing and ICT in Physical Education Aniket Ambekar
Basic Kinesiology : Essential Tips Jogishwar Goswami
Sports and Recreation Tourism Dr. Paul Knop
Prospects of career Development in Physical Education and Sports Prof. J.S. Naruka , Dr. R.K.S. Dangar
Sports Management Dr. Gora
Fundamental Recreational Activities Dr. Anil Vanaik
Research Methods In Physical Education Sports And Exercise Sciences A.M . MURTHY
Foundation of Health Education. Dr. S.R. Sharma
Shaareerik Shiksha Ke Siddhanddh Va Aadhaar डॉ. हरेंद्र सांगवान
Camping Management In Physical Education MANDEEP SINGH
Khel Manovigyan Dr. Monika Verma . K.K. Verma
495 4958
4995 4995
Khel Prashishan Ke Sidhandh A.K Uppal
Management Of Sports And Physical Education Dr. Rameshwari Devi . Dr. Iswar Singh . Dr. Sultana Khan
Netball: A Player Guide Jagdish Rai Sharma , Renu Sharma
Methods In Physical Education . Dr . Anil Vanaik , Dr, Daljinder Singh Kahlon
Professional Preparation & Career Development In Physical Education And Sports Dr. Kiran Sandhu
Who Could Be A Better Athlete? RKS Dagger
Football: Basics For The Youth Dr. Biru Mal
Trends And Developments In Professional Preparation In Physical Education And Sports KIRAN SANDHU
Encyclopaedia Of Physical Education And Health Sciences 9 Vol Bernarr Macfadden
9500 9500
Handbook Of Teachers Training In Physical Education And Sports Dr. Rakesh Gupta
Handbook Of Sports Medicine Dr. Vijay
Textbook On Teaching Skill And Prowess (2 Parts) Dr. Rakesh Gupta , Dr. Pardeep Kumar , Dr. Sarita Tyagi
Statistics For Physical Education Dr . S. Sivaramakrishna
Vyayam Evem Manav Kriya Vigyan V. Singh
Sharirik Shiksha , Swasthy Va Khelon Mein Anusandhan डॉ. पी.डी. शर्मा, डॉ. जय भगवन व्यास
Saririk Shisha Mein Manoranjan अनिल कुमार विनायक
Khel Jaivyantriki Vigyan रमेश कुमार , महेश कुमार
Proyogatmak Sports Encyclopedia A.K Uppal
Khel Samajshastra P.D Sharma
Saririk Shisha Mein Shodh शिव कुमार चौहान
Scientific Basis Of Athletic Conditioning Anil Kumar , A.K Gupta
Swastha Evem Yog डॉ. अशोक कुमार मलिक
Sharirik Shamta aur Yog डॉ. मोनिका वर्मा , डॉ. चरण सिंह
Sport and Exercise Psychology - A Fundamental Approach Robert Burton
Sharirik Shiksha mein Khel Sanchalan Prashikshan evem Adhishiksha डॉ. बलविंदर सिंह
Saririk Shisha Ke Maulik Adhar अनिल कुमार विनायक ,मोनिका वर्मा, महेश कुमार
Saririk Shisha Ke Prachinatham Va Adhunikatham Adhar आर. के. एस. डागर , एस. एस. मान
Saririk Shisha Ke Vyavasaik Thayaari Evem Patyakram Nirman डॉ. रमेश गुप्ता, डॉ. भूपेंद्र सिंह राठौर
Ang Sanchalan Vigyan डॉ. ब्रिज बिलोरिया
Swasth Vigyan KUMAR
Sports Training . Dr. A .K Uppal
Sports Engineering Dr. Avnesh Verma
Sports Psychology Dr. Goraksha Vitthalrao Pargaonkar
Sports Medicine Dr. Aruna Dogra
HEALTH EDUCATION . Dr. Balbinder singh , Dr. Mahak
Sports Training.. Dr. Balbinder singh , Dr. Mahak
Sport Psychology - Theory and Application Rajender Singh
Theories in Social Work Practice HAJIRA KUMAR
Stress Behaviour 2 vol Prof . Akbar Husain , Tabassum Rashid ,
Sports Psychology- Motivation, Participationand Performance Robert burton
Anatomy and Physiology in Physical Education Dr. Mandeep Singh Nathial
Dictionary Of Terms In Physical Education And Sports Sciences Prof. Dilip Kumar Dureha
Administration of Physical Education. Prof. Jose James , Dr. G.P Gautam
Cricket Drill and Minor Games Mr. M. Kumar
Biomechanics in Games and Sports Dr. D. Rajalakshmi
Education Technology In Physical Education Dr. Rakesh gupta
Dimensions of Physical Education D.A Sargent
Encyclopaedia of Health and Physical Education 2 Vol Dr. S.R. Sharma , Dr. Anil Vanaik , Dr. Daljinder Singh Kahlon
Encyclopaedia of Olympic Movement Dr. Anil k . Vanaik , Dr. Sarita Tyagi
3995 3995
Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Games and Sports Sandeep Tiwari
Exerxise Motives Dr. Shikha Sharma , Dr. Sophie Titus
Fitness and Life Style Management Dr. Thingnam Nandalal Singh
Fundamentals of Exercise Physiology G.M Scott, R.G Brown
Fundamentals of Recreational Activities Dr. Anil Vanaik
Handbook of Sports and Exercise Science Gurdial Singh Bawa , Kalapana Debnath
Handbook of Sports Injuries P.K PANDAY
Handbook Of Sports Sociology D.S Dhull.
Health Education and Environmental Studies MANDEEP SINGH
Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology Shamsher Singh
Khek Prashikshan डॉ . नरेश कुमारी
Khel Chikitsa ke Sidhant Vijay Singh
Khel Aushadi Vigyan Dr. R.K.S Dagar
Khel Manovigyan. Dr. Kavita Sharma
Khel Patrikarita . राकेश गुप्ता
Khel Poshan avem wajan Prabandhan के.के. देबनाथ
Khel Prashikshan Ke Vaigyanic Siddant डॉ. हरी सिंह
Khel Prashikshan v Adhishiksha शमशेर सिंह
Khel Training ke Vaigyanik Sidhant Dr. RAJ KUMAR SHARMA
Leadership Techniques in Physical Education Prof. Jose James
Management of Physical Education and Sports Programme Dr. N. Govindarajulu
Managing Physical Education and Sports Prof. Pratap Singh Tiwari
Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education Dr. Hennery Allan Lipman
Modern Physical Education Herbert E . Naylor , Mollie Temple
Physical Education Game & Athletic Dr. Gobind Singh
Physical Education in the Modern Era Prof. Rajender Singh
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Physical Education and Sports Management Dr. S. Sivaramakrishnan
Physical Education and sports in a Changing Society Capt. Dr. Mrs . Satpal Kaur
Physical Education Health and the Study of Sports A.K Uppal , G.P. GAUTAM
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Physical Training for Women Dr. M. VIJAYALAKSHMI
Organization and Administration of Physical Education and Sports Dr. R. Subramanian , Dr. S. Thirumalai Kumar , Dr. C. Arunugam
Perspective in Sports Science C.M MUTHIAH , JITENDRA MOHAN
Layout and Marking of Track and Field Dr. N. Govindarajulu , Dr. Rakesh Gupta
Playing Fields Manual: Handbook of Planning Construction and Maintenance Dr. Anil Kumar Vanaik , Dr, Daljinder Singh Kahlon
Physical Fitness and Wellness.. Reena Rani
Khiladi aur Baalya Aushadi डॉ. हरिलाल शर्मा , डॉ. सुधा शर्मा
Physiology and Exercise - MPCC 102 Dr. Shyamal koley
Physiology of Exercise. Prof. G.L. Khanna , Dr. Asis Goswami
Physique and Motor Fitness of Indian Youth Prof. Rajender Singh
Organization and Administration of Physical education - CC 203 Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Sharma
Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education - CC 401 Dr. Ashok Kumar Sharma
Research Process in Physical Education and Sports Science - MPCC 101 Dr. Ravinder Pal Ahlawat
Readings in Physical Education and Sports Anil kumar , R.C Gupta
Sharirik Shamta, Swasthya avem Chikitsa डॉ. हेमलता
Sharirik Shiksha ke Sidhant v Aadhar डॉ. हेमलता
Sharirik Shiksha mein Adhishiksha Prashikshan v Jaivyantriki Vigyan डॉ. रमेश कुमार टाइगर सिंह
Sharirik Shiksha mein Ang Sanchalan Vigyan डॉ. शिव कुमार चौहान
Sharirik Shiksha ka Bhartiya Paridrshya Dr. R.K.S Dagar
Sharirik Shiksha ki Vidhiyan . Dr. M.L Kamlesh
Sharirik Shiksha ke vividh aayaam R.K.S Dagar
Sharirik Shiksha mein Shikshan Padhitya डॉ. राकेश गुप्ता , विनोद कुमार झा
Sharirik Shiksha mein Parikshan Mapan aur Mulyankan डॉ. संजय शर्मा
Sharirik Shiksha ke Mano aitahasik Aadhar डॉ. आर. के. एस. डागर , डॉ. शिव. कुमार चौहान
Sports and Recreational Tourism Dr. Paul Knop
Sports Medicine for Coaches and Trainers Edward J. Shahady , M.D., and Michael J. Petrizzi, M.D.
Sport Marketing - Its Fundamentals and Applications Daniel j Morgan
Sport Sociology - Theory and Applications Robert '' Bob'' Chappell
Sports Biomechanics and Kinesiology - MPCC 202 Dr. Parveen Kumar
Sports Management - EC402 Dr. Goraksha Vitthalrao Pargaonkar
Specific Training Module For Men's Artistic Gymnastics Prakhar Rathor , D.K Rathor
Sports Psychology.. Dr. Abha Jain , Ms. Nisha
Text Book of Human Anatomy H.T. Savory
Sports Technology - MPEC 102 Dr. M.R. Dhinu
Teaching Physical Exercise Skills ( 2 PARTS ) Sanjeev Sonawane
Understanding Soccer : Guide for Learners Dr. L. Santosh Singh
Sports Medicine.. Dr. N. Govindarajulu
The Management Environment of Physical Activity Education and Educational Sports Earle F Zeigler
Sports Sociology: An Indian Perspective Dr. R. Saravana Prabha . Mrs. S. Archana Mani Malathi
UGC-NET/JRF.SLET Physical Education the Objective Way Dr . George Abraham
Essential of Physical Education and Sports E.W. Nixon , F.S. Frederickson
Coaching Football Professionals Dr. Biru Mal
Teachers Guide to Physical Education Dr. Harmanpreet Kaur
SPORTS TRAINING Dr. Balbinder singh , Dr. Mahak
Shaikshik Krida Manovigyan M.K Kamlesh
Ethics in Sports Management Steven Brown
Fundamentals of Rhythmic Gymnastics Dr. Kalpana Debnath, Dr Gurdial Singh Bawa
Khel Prashikshan ke Sidhant Dr. A.K UPPAL
Handbook of Sports Management and Administration D.S Dhull, M.GOEL
Fundamentals of Sports and Exercise Science (2 parts) Dr. Amitabh Dube , Dr, Ashok Gupta , Dr. Shubha Dube , Prof. Bhupendra Singh Rathore , Dr. Munish Agithotri , Dr Mukesh Sharma
Managing Sport Facilities and Major Events Hans Westerbeek , Aaron Smith , Paul Turner , Paul Emery , Chirstine Green and LInda van Leeuwen
International Encyclopaedia of Games and Sports ( 2 Volume) R.S. Tewatia , Mahesh Chand
Ang Sanchalan Vigyan Va Khel Javyantrik Vigyan राजेंद्र सिंह शोखो
Gativigyan ka yantriki vishleshan D.P.D Sharma
Khel Patrikarita संजय वर्मा
Khel Prabandh डॉ. अखिलेश कुमार शर्मा
Olympic Abhiyan डॉ. मंजू अरोड़ा
Ang Sanchalan Vigyan Va Khel Javyantrik Vigyan - CC402 राजेंद्र सिंह शेखो
Professional Preparation & Curriculum Designs in Physical Education and Sports Dr. Rakesh Gupta, Dr. Akhilesh Sharma , Dr. Santosh Sharma
Sharirik Shiksan ki Shikshan Prodhogiki Dr. Rakesh Gupta
Sharir Rachna v Kriya Vigyan Dr. Monika Verma , Prof. Balbir Singh , Dr. K.K Verma
Sharir Rachna Kriya Vigyan Mas Paishi Gati Vigyan avem Swasthya Shiksha देवेन्द्र सिंह ढुल
Sharir Rachna Kriya Vigyan CC 102 Dr. Ajay Malik
Self Concept and Motivation Among Sports Person Dr. Ksh. Birbal Singh
Scientific Approaches for Performance Enhancement Prof. G.L Khanna, Dr. Ming Kai Chin
Sharirik Shiksha ka Itihas Dr. Kavita Sharma
Scientific Principles of Sports Training A.K Uppal
Sharirik Shiksha ke Maulik Aadhar डॉ. बी. सी. कापड़ी
Sharirik Shiksha ke Samajik v Manovigyanik Aadhar प्रो. मोनिका वर्मा, डॉ. सुरजीत नेमा
Sharirik Shiksha ka Sidhant Itihas v Aadhar CC 101 डॉ. शिव कुमार चौहान
Sharirik Shiksha ki Vidhiyan दयानन्द भक्त
Sharirik Shiksha mein Adhishiksha avem Nirnayan EC 102 डॉ. ईशवर सिंह
Sharirik Shiksha ke Sidhant tatha Itihas डॉ. एम. एल कमलेश , डॉ. एम. एस. संग्राल
Sharirik Shiksha mein Anusandhan avem Sankhyaki CC 403 Dr. Rakesh Gupta
Sharirik Shiksha: Tatv avem Itihas v Samast Khel Maidan Niyam देवेन्द्र सिंह ढुल
Sharirik Shiksha Vridhi Avem Vikas डॉ. रविंद्र कुमार ' चौधरी '
Sharirik Shiksha mein Pathyakram Nirman डॉ . कपिल शर्मा, डॉ . संतोष शर्मा
Sharirik Shiksha mein Prashikshan v Mapan DR. P.D. Sharma
Sharirik Shiksha mein Sharirik Prodhogiki avem Shiksan Padhiti CC 202 डॉ. स्वपन सक्सेना
Sharirik Shiksha Shamta tatha Swasthya ke Mudde EC 201 डॉ . देवेंद्र सिंह ढुल
Sharirik Shiksha mein Mapan v Moolyankan CC 401 Dr. Ashok Kumar Sharma
Sharirik Shiksha mein Sangathan avem Prashasan CC-203 डॉ. अखिलेश कुमार शर्मा
Sharirik Shiksha mein Samanye Vigyan Dr. R.K.S Dagar
Sharirik Shiksha mein Sangathan avem Prashasan डॉ. राजेश कुमार, देपा वर्मा
Information & Communication Technology (ICT) in Physical Education Dr. Rakesh Gupta
Sharirik Shiksha Va Khelon Ka Itihas डॉ. आर.के.एस. डागर , डॉ. शिव कुमार चौहान
Shisha Evem Kreeda Manovigyan डॉ. भुपन्देर सिंह राठौर
Sharirik Shiksha ka Darshanik tatha aitehasik Pehlu डॉ. शिव कुमार चौहान
Sports Journalism and Mass Media Dr. Arvind Malik
Sports Facilities Management Dr. Y.S REDDY
Management Competency development in Physical Education Earle F Zeigler, Gray W. Bowie
RECENT ADVANCES IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND YOGA Dr. Suresh Kumar Malik, Dr. Geeta, Dr. Anurag Sachan
Marking Techniques of Track and Field Gurmeet Singh
Physical Education and Health A.K.Uppal
Healthful Living: A Compilation of Concepts Related to Health, Fitness & Wellness Gajanana Prabhu.B
Physical Education and Health 12th A.K.Uppal
Fundamentals of Sports Management (Physical Education Book for B.P.Ed, M.P.Ed and other courses) Suman Bala
Scientific Principles of Sports Training (Textbook for Physical Education: B.P.Ed, B.P.E.S, M.P.Ed., B.Sc.) P.Gopinathan
(Anatomy, Physiology and Health Education) : Textbook of Physical Education as per Syllabus Bhupender Singh
(Principles and Foundation of Physical Education) : Textbook of Physical Education as per Syllabus Harendra Sangwan
Introduction to Physical Education: Textbook for B.A. & B.Sc. as per Punjab University and other Universities Anju Lata
Sports Biomechanics and Kinesiology (Textbook of Physical Education for M.P.Ed. as per syllabus) l.karikalan
Khel Prashnottari Hindi Edition (Objective Physical Education) : DSSSB, NVS, KVS, HTET, UGC-NET, TGT, PGT and Other Competitive Examinations Kuldeep Malik
Anatomy and Physiology of Physical Education (Textbook of B.P.Ed as per Syllabus) Mandeep Singh Nathial
Complete Book on Correctives, Therapeutic Exercises, Sports Injuries and Massage (Textbook and Reference Book for Physical Education, Physiotherapy, Sports Training and Coaching) V.D.Bindal
AEROBICS TRAINING Inderpreet Kaur Nanda
Ang Vinyas Tatha Khiladi Ki Dekhbhal Hindi Edition (Posture and Athletic Care) A.K.Uppal
Sharirik Shiksha mein Parishikhan,Mapan aur Mulyakan (HINDI)Test, Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education Sanjay Sharma
Sports Management and Curriculum Design in Physical Education (Sharirik Shiksha Mein Khel Prabhandhan and Pathyakram Nirman) English Harish S.Kale
Sharirik Gatividhi and Swasth (Physical Activity and Health) Physical Education Hindi Textbook R.P.Ahlawat
Methods of Physical Education (Hindi) Sharirik Shiksha ki Vidhiyan M.L.Kamlesh
Posture, Athletic Care and First-Aid: Textbook of Physical Education as per CBCS Syllabus A.K.uppal
Berkshire Encyclopedia of World Sport, 4 Volumes Karen Christensen,David.H.Levinson
18200 18200
Health and Wellness Dr. Kaukab Azeem , Dr. Abdulhameed Al Ameer
Aquatic Rescue and Safety: How to Recognize, Respond to, and Prevent Water-Related Injuries Dennis K.Graver
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Application of Statistical Software for Data Analysis in Physical Education Dr. Meenakshi
Healthand Physical Education Class-IX A.K.Uppal
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Health and Physical Education Class-IX A.K.Uppal
Health and Physical Education A.K.Uppal
Sharirik Shiksha ka Aadhar va Itihaas(Hindi) Dr. Mukesh Kumar Verma
Scientific Aspects of Flexibility Training K.P.Manilal
Sharirik Shamta tatha Swasthya Dr.Sajjan Kaushik
Khel Patrakarita Va Jansancahr Sanjay Verma
Encyclopedia Sports and Exercise Psychology (2 Vol. set) Prof N.K.Chadha, Dr. Agyajit Singh
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Fundamentals of Anatomy Dr. Rajendra Dhakne
Sharir Rachna, Kriya Vigyan avm Swasthya Shiksha Dr. Mukesh kumar Verma, Dr. Abhishek Verma
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Sharirik Shiksha ke Manovagyanik Aadhar, Athletics Dekhbhal va Punarvas Dr. Mukesh Kumar Verma, Dr. Abhishek Verma
Anatomy and Physiology for Physical Education and Sports Science Dr. N.S. Gnanavel
1295 1395
International Handbook of Sports and Exercise Science( 4Vol.set) Dr. Gulshan Khanna, Dr. Jatin Soni
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Mastering the Game A Comprehensive Guide to Sports Training Deepak Pal Santosh, Naveen Kumar, Dr. Kuldeep Nara, Dr. Sandep Dhull
Complete Book of Sports Injuries Dr. Vijay Singh
The Physiology of Muscular Exercise F.A. Bainbridge, Ernest H. Starling
Healthful Living A Compilation of Concepts Related to Health, Fitness & Wellness Dr. Gajanana Prabhu B. , Dr. Tangarani
NTA/UGC/DSSSB Physical Education Dr. A.K.Uppal
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NTA UGC/ NET-JRF Sharirik Shiksha Ek Vistrit Parichay Dr. Devendra Singh Dhull
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NTA UGC/ DSSSB Yog Prashan Sangrah Vastunisth Manish Rana
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Lifestyle Management Through Physical Education Dr. Surendra Sharma
Foundations of Sports And Exercise Psychology Understanding the Mind- Body Connection in Physical Performance Dr. M. K. Singh
Exercise Physiology : Understanding Human Performance Dr. Shekhar Singh
Sports Management : Strategies and Applications Dr. Yatendra Kumar Singh
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