Psychological Foundation of Sports

Author: Dr Agyajit Singh

Sports and Physical Education are the multi-disciplinary subjects of human knowledge, which have physical, physiological, psychological and sociological manifestations. Out of all these, Psychology plays an important role not only in sports, but also in physical education. Previously, sport was considered as a physical activity, but it has now become more a psycho-social endeavor of human performance, especially in modern and higher sports. In the competitive sports, it is not only the physical prowess or the proficiency in the game skill of the players; but it is the psychological fitness and emotional stability which help the competitors to win matches, to display the peak performance and maximize their potentials. So Sports Psychology has become an important branch of sports sciences and physical education in these days. In the twenty first century, its importance has increased too much. In all the colleges of physical education and sports institutions, sports psychology is being taught at all levels as a compulsory paper.

ISBN: 978-93-84603-33-5



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