The Science of Human Movement

Author: Prof. G.L Khanna , Oleksandar Krasilshcikov

CHAPTER : 1 Physical education - the science of physical activitiy 

HAPTER:2 Impact of incremental training load on mechanical efficiency in long distance runners 

CHAPTER:3 Preceived Behavioural determinants of participation in lisure activities of junior and senior civil servant of sokoto state 

CHAPTER:4 Construction and standardistation of knowledge test on health related physical fitness for school children of Kerala 

CHAPTER:5 Effects of aerobic and anaerobic exercise on basal metabolic role 

CHAPTER:6 Study of liquid profile to trained and untrained population 

CHAPTER:7 Effect of 1 year systematic hockey academic training Programme on selected components of body composition 

CHAPTER:8 Comparison of Anthropometric and physical variables of state school Kho-Kho and Handball players

CHAPTER:9 Effect of therapeutic horseback riding on motors proficiency of mentally retarded children

CHAOTER:10 Effect of water exercise programme on postural control patient with low back pain

ISBN: 978-81-7216-457-7



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