Author: F.L Harmon

In this book the author has attempted to survey with the reader a large and rapidly expanding field of modern science the psychology of personality. Since the area covered is so extensive, it is scarcely to be hoped that any writer, singlehanded and in one volume, could do full justice to it all; since it is a field of science, it is hardly in order to expect that the final word on any of the questions treated should have been spoken to date. On the other hand, it is precisely because of its tremendous scope and its still unfolding possibilities, that many of us find the psychology of personality so fascinating a subject. The book itself is intended primarily as a text for college students. As such, it grew out of the author’s lectures at St. Louis University, and the manuscript has been revised more than once in the light of classroom experience before being put into its present form. At the same time I have tried to keep in mind the interests of the educated general reader, who might wish to inform himself on recent developments in this branch of psychological science. However, no effort has been made to “popularize” or “simplify” the subject; rather, the aim has been to present the scientific background necessary for understanding personality as that background exists today.




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