Author: Anil Kumar

It cannot be denied that throughout history, brilliant speakers and conversationalists have left indelible marks on the minds of their listeners and followers. During the times of Shakespeare, for example, the high road and the so-called intellectuals of the society found the greatest pleasure in conversing. It may be taken for granted that a keen wit and ready response characterized the sparkling flow of language.

Contents: Speaking Fluently is an Art Speaking versus Writing Improving Speaking Skills  Understanding Speaking Skills Common Issues Tips to Improve Grammar Lessons for Spoken English Plan your Learning Active Grammar  What is a Sentence? Parts of Speech  Role of Pronunciation in Conversation  Pronunciation of English Consonants and Vowels English Vowels. Final ' s '. Final ' ed '. Rules of Word Stress in English. General Tips to Improve Pronunciation Intonation Patterns  British and American Pronunciations Most Often Mispronounced Words and Phrases in English Common English Phrases  Basic Phrases I'm looking forward to Thanking you for Do you like How often do you. It's too bad that. What if + ( subject + verb ) Greetings and General Topics Exercise & Sports Feelings & Emotions Slang Words and phrases in English Popular American Slang Words

ISBN 9789382110002




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