Recent Paradigms in Physiotherapy Manaement

Author: Dr.Vinod Kaushik

The practice of Physiotherapy has undergone significant transformation recently. It used to be a component of rehabilitation with just two major areas that is electrotherapy and exercise therapy. But as the time went on there have been many advancements in the field of Physiotherapy management. Keeping this in mind the book on “Recent Paradigms in Physiotherapy Management” has been written to help students and professionals gain knowledge and skills in creating and putting into practise exercise programmes that facilitate and enhance patient learning as well as the independence and wellbeing of people across the health continuum. In order to address patients' injuries and aid in their recovery of range of motion, physical therapy is constantly incorporating novel exercises,techniques, and procedures. To choose the optimal therapeutic modalities for patient care, physical therapists must use creative thinking, and benefit from cutting-edge technology. Physical therapy has achieved notable advancements in recent years that have allowed patients to heal from injuries more quickly and successfully. This book has various chapters that discuss research work related to various aspects of Physiotherapy assessment and rehabilitation. It provided an excellent platform to share innovative ideas and recent developments in the field of Physiotherapy Management and rehabilitation on a variety of 
topics. With the first edition of this book, we would like to thank Editorial board and our mentors Dr. Sanjiv Jha, The IAP President and Dr. Ruchi Varshney National Head IAPWC for their constant support and guidance to write this book.



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