History of Indian and Eastern Architecture (2 vol.set)

Author: James Fergusson

<p>"History of Indian and Eastern Architecture" by James Fergusson, a British architectural historian, archaeologist, and academic, is a classic. This 1876 volume explores and analyses Indian and other Eastern architectural forms, influences, and advances.</p> <p>James Fergusson pioneered the study of non-Western architectural traditions. Fergusson's work illuminated East Asian architecture at a time when architectural research focused on European and classical architecture.</p> <p>The book covers ancient to modern eras in India, China, Japan, and Southeast Asia. Fergusson's meticulous research and insightful analysis help readers understand these places' unique architectural traits and cultural surroundings spanning centuries.</p> <p>In "History of Indian and Eastern Architecture," Fergusson explores India's varied architectural forms. From Buddhist and Hindu to Islamic and colonial, he examines Indian architecture. Fergusson studies Ajanta and Ellora's rock-cut caves, Khajuraho and Konark's temples, the Taj Mahal, and the Indo-Islamic architecture of the Delhi Sultanate and Mughal Empire.</p> <p>Fergusson's book explores Eastern architecture beyond India. He compares China's grandiose temple complexes and imperial palaces to Japan's detailed wooden buildings and Zen Buddhist temples. Fergusson also examines Southeast Asian architecture, notably Angkor Wat and Borobudur.</p> <p>Fergusson's ability to blend hard study with approachable prose distinguishes him. Fergusson keeps his tale accessible while exploring architectural techniques, materials, and historical contexts. The book's sketches, plans, and photos help readers understand and appreciate architectural marvels.</p> <p>"History of Indian and Eastern Architecture" has become a standard reference for architectural historians, scholars, and fans of Indian and Eastern architecture. It has helped Westerners appreciate non-Western architecture. Fergusson's book is still cited in architectural studies.</p>



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