Author: Dr. Salma Seth, Dr. Harpreet Bhatia, Prof. N.K. Chadha

'What is my goal in life?', What i am striving for?', What is my purpose?' These are questions which every individual asks oneself at one time or another. They are old, old questions which have been asked and answered in every century of history. Yet they are also questions which every individual must ask and answer for oneself, in one's own way. The book gives insight to inspiring students to enhance their counselling skills and understand their personal goals and aspects of good life. 

The book is divided into three parts: Part 1: Different Voices in the Counselling Profession Part 2: The Counselling Process - Developing Eclectic Skills Part 3: Special Areas of Counselling All these parts makes the book unique and of value to the demanding needs of today.

ISBN: 978-93-85958-89-2 

Year: 2018



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