Common Errors in Speaking & Writing

Author: H.I STRANG

In issuing under a new title what is really a revised and enlarged edition of my “ Exercises in False Syntax,” it may be well that I should accompany it with a brief preface. I have substituted for the old name one which will, I think, better express the purpose and scope of the book. The changes and additions do not materially alter its form. I have prefixed to most of the exercises a summary of the most important principles and distinctions to be observed in dealing with the examples or questions given. This I have done out of consideration for the younger and less experienced teachers, and as they form the great, and, I fear, increasing majority of the profession, I trust that the older and better equipped ones who may use the book will not resent my cautions and suggestions as “quite unnecessary.” I have also re-arranged the material of a few of the exercises, and, finally, I have omitted a considerable number of sentences that did not seem to me on further consideration to illustrate common errors, and have inserted some others that seemed suitable for my purpose.

ISBN: 978-93-85958-48-9



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