A Journey to the Machine Learning

Author: Raj Ramakrishna Nair , Neethu M. Mathew , Eldhose P.U , Priya P.G

A Journey to Machine Learning provides a guide to building both real-life and artificial A.I. systems. The text follows a comprehensive approach consisting of concepts, methodologies, and practical examples. With this book, readers learn how to grasp the basics of Machine Learning and solve complex problems utilizing a data-driven approach.

This book provides you with an introduction to machine learning which includes numerous case studies and applications so that you will also learn how to apply learning algorithms to building smart robots, text & command understanding applications and web browsers, medical informatics, audio, database mining, and other areas.

As machine learning becomes more popular, its use will increase. Companies like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, etc., have been launching their cloud-based machine learning platforms, which has ignited a huge popularity surge for these techniques worldwide.

ISBN: 978-93-91109-85-1



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